Traffic Offence Lawyers Brisbane & Gold Coast

What are Traffic Offences?
Traffic Offences are a very broad category governed by the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 (Qld) and the Regulations associated with this Act, particularly the Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Road Rules) Regulation 2009 (Qld) and the Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Driver Licensing) Regulation 2010 (Qld). These types of offences, if you’re found guilty have a diverse range of penalties.
It is typically the case that these offences are usually dealt with in the Magistrates Court of Queensland. More serious traffic offences are governed by Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld) and the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (Qld).
What Punishment Can You Expect?
This is a hard question to answer without understanding the full circumstances of your matter and your history. For people who have been charged with the more serious offences and if there is a history of similar offending, jail can be a real prospect.
That said, even for the more simple traffic offences, the penalties imposed by the Court can have a major impact upon your livelihood. This may relate to either losing your drivers licence for a period of time or having a substantial fine imposed on you by the Court.
Should You Represent Yourself In Court?
No, is the short answer. Every day we appear in Queensland Courts for people charged with traffic-related offences. We know the law and we know the idiosyncrasies of different Magistrates.
These factors can have a considerable positive outcome on your traffic matter. Contact our Gold Coast criminal lawyers today.
Traffic Charges Are Very Serious.
If you are charged with a traffic offence, the impact can be considerable. Take a photo of your charge sheet and upload and we will give you a callback.