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Criminal Law Resources

Read Our Criminal Law Legal Articles.

I Have Received a Notice to Attend a Coercive Hearing at the Australian Crime Commission. What Do I Do?

Receiving a notice to attend a coercive hearing at the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) can be an incredibly stressful experience. At Hannay Lawyers, we have seen firsthand the confusion, anxiety, and uncertainty that clients face when they receive such a notice. The coercive hearing process is complex, and the potential consequences of not seeking proper… Read More »I Have Received a Notice to Attend a Coercive Hearing at the Australian Crime Commission. What Do I Do?

I Have Received a Show Cause Notice from NDIS. What Do I Do Now?

Receiving a show cause notice from the NDIS can be a daunting experience. However, understanding what a show cause notice is, why you might receive one, and how to respond effectively can help you navigate this challenging situation and protect your business. In this article, we will guide you through the process of dealing with… Read More »I Have Received a Show Cause Notice from NDIS. What Do I Do Now?

Everything You Need to Know about the Drug Diversion Programs in Queensland

If you or someone you know has been caught with a small amount of drugs in Queensland, you might be wondering what happens next. The good news is that Queensland has drug diversion programs that can help people avoid criminal charges and get the support they need. In this article, we’ll explain what drug diversion… Read More »Everything You Need to Know about the Drug Diversion Programs in Queensland

Changes to Personal Use Drug Offences in NSW

The interaction of the possession of drugs for personal use with the legal system has long been a contentious one, with many observers feeling the court system is clogged with relatively minor cases. In NSW this issue was partially addressed in 2019 when NSW police were empowered to issue penalty notices – known as a… Read More »Changes to Personal Use Drug Offences in NSW

Forfeiture Applications for Property Arising Out of Trafficking Offences

Both Federal and state governments in Australia have laws in place to prevent people from profiting from criminal activity, also known as ‘proceeds of crime’. These proceeds may refer to assets obtained illegally either directly or indirectly, and to both tangible (cash, property, cars, jewellery, etc) and intangible (shareholdings, bank accounts) assets. In this article… Read More »Forfeiture Applications for Property Arising Out of Trafficking Offences

What Happens if you are Sentenced in New South Wales but Reside in another Jurisdiction?

There are sometimes compelling reasons why a person sentenced for a criminal offence in one state of Australia may seek to transfer to another jurisdiction, a move which may have the effect of increasing their chances of completing their sentence, enhancing the possibility of rehabilitation and reducing the chance of recidivism. Among the strongest reasons… Read More »What Happens if you are Sentenced in New South Wales but Reside in another Jurisdiction?

The Difference in the Process of Being Charged with a Criminal Offence in Queensland and New South Wales

Criminal behaviour has long since stopped being a local phenomenon. Particularly in the illegal drug trade, interstate movement of people who commit criminal acts is increasingly common. This trend raises the issue of how each state deals with criminal offences committed in its jurisdictions by non-residents and, equally, criminal offences committed in other jurisdictions by… Read More »The Difference in the Process of Being Charged with a Criminal Offence in Queensland and New South Wales

What You Need to Know About the Spate of Youth Crime in Queensland

Media headlines in Queensland have been filled in recent times with criminal offences committed by juveniles, often resulting in terrible tragedies where innocent members of the public have been killed through the reckless acts of teenagers. The result is a backlash against how young offenders are treated by the youth justice system, with some victims… Read More »What You Need to Know About the Spate of Youth Crime in Queensland

The Significance of Methods Used by Police in Murder Investigations

Murder investigations are among the most complex and sensitive cases that law enforcement agencies face. How investigations are conducted and how the information they unearth is used is a crucial part of the criminal justice system. Admissibility of the evidence used to help convict a person accused of murder can frequently hinge on whether the… Read More »The Significance of Methods Used by Police in Murder Investigations

How to Get Property Returned After Charges are Withdrawn

Get Property Returned After Charges are Withdrawn In the process of conducting investigations and collecting evidence to solve crimes, police in Queensland have considerable powers to seize property as set out in the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (‘PPR Act’). Often police will be empowered to enter a place and seize things listed in… Read More »How to Get Property Returned After Charges are Withdrawn

Understanding the Offence of Receiving Tainted Property QLD

What does it mean to commit the criminal offence of ‘receiving tainted property’? Tainted may be a slightly antiquated, unfashionable word but in Queensland, in relation to property, it is defined in section 432 of the Criminal Code 1899. There, tainted property is described as ‘a thing that has been obtained by way of an… Read More »Understanding the Offence of Receiving Tainted Property QLD

What are the Ages of Consent and Criminal Liability in Queensland

Ages of Consent and Criminal Liability in Queensland At a time when youth justice issues in Queensland feature daily in the news headlines, it’s timely to remind about some of the basic legal facts relevant to juveniles, including the minimum ages of consent to have sex and when they can be held criminally liable. The… Read More »What are the Ages of Consent and Criminal Liability in Queensland

The Queensland Government’s Proposed Amendments to the Youth Justice System

Queensland’s Labor government recently passed stricter laws to deal with repeat youth offenders after a series of high-profile criminal incidents, including the tragic death of mother-of-two Emma Lovell after an alleged home invasion of her Brisbane home. Theft of cars and household property, and dangerous driving, are among the offences that have left Queensland residents… Read More »The Queensland Government’s Proposed Amendments to the Youth Justice System

The Benefits of Residential Rehabilitation Centres/Programs for Bail/Sentencing

Drug addiction destroys lives and for some people, can, unfortunately, lead to involvement in a crime. Even people with no criminal background who previously led law-abiding lives can be derailed by serious drug abuse. Sadly many people are further brutalised when sentenced to a term of imprisonment. Mixing within the criminal subculture, predictably, can increase… Read More »The Benefits of Residential Rehabilitation Centres/Programs for Bail/Sentencing

The Difference Between Commercial Use and Personal Possession of Dangerous Drugs

Drug use is a prevalent problem in modern society with serious and widespread consequences for individuals, health systems, emergency services, crime rates and a range of other issues. For these reasons penalties to deter the misuse of dangerous drugs are severe. There is, however, an understandable difference between the severity of penalties for personal possession… Read More »The Difference Between Commercial Use and Personal Possession of Dangerous Drugs

The Effect of Parole Application Delays on Sentences in Queensland

Queensland’s Parole Board has made headlines in the past year for a serious backlog in the processing of parole applications.

What Should You do if You Receive a Show Cause Letter When Applying for a Weapons Licence?

If You Receive a Show Cause Letter When Applying for a Weapons Licence While there are many reasons a person may need to own a gun, such as a livestock farmer or a professional culler of non-native species, there are also many compelling reasons why other people should not be permitted to possess a weapon.… Read More »What Should You do if You Receive a Show Cause Letter When Applying for a Weapons Licence?

What You Need to Know About Seizure of Property by Police

People are often unaware that if police enter a person’s residence with a search warrant, officers may seize items of that’s person’s property under certain conditions. In Queensland, specifically, police have the right to seize items of a person’s property if they reasonably suspect it may be evidence relevant to the commission of a criminal… Read More »What You Need to Know About Seizure of Property by Police

What Investigative Tools do Queensland Police Utilise?

Investigative Tools do Queensland Police Utilise There are many ways a police force investigate criminal offences. From basic questioning of suspects to surveillance operations, telephone intercepts, digital tracking, profiling and many other techniques, the tools of police investigation are many and varied. How police go about an investigation is highly important. The evidence collected in… Read More »What Investigative Tools do Queensland Police Utilise?

The Different Types of Committal Proceedings in Queensland

At the outset, we should distinguish a committal from a mention or a trial. A committal is an important stage of the criminal law process that takes place once someone has been charged with a serious indictable offence. Committal proceedings determine whether a person’s case should be heard in a higher Queensland court such as… Read More »The Different Types of Committal Proceedings in Queensland

Implications of the Chronic Delays in Processing Queensland Parole Applications

The Queensland Parole Board is facing possible legal action from those held in custody as a result of significant delays in deciding parole applications. In a statement released in May 2021, the Board offered a justification for delays in deciding parole applications stretching up to eight months. ‘There has been a significant increase in prisoner… Read More »Implications of the Chronic Delays in Processing Queensland Parole Applications

What’s Involved in Section 222 Appeals?

Most criminal matters and many civil ones are first heard in the Magistrates Court of Queensland. Where a person is unhappy with the decision they receive in the Magistrates Court, there is the possibility of appeal to the District Court. If you pled guilty in the Magistrates Court, the appeal can only be related to… Read More »What’s Involved in Section 222 Appeals?

What To Do When Faced With an Arrest Warrant

A warrant is a written authority from a justice of the peace, magistrate or judge for the arrest of a named person. An arrest warrant can be issued by one of those named above based on sworn evidence from a police officer about a suspected offence. Most commonly, these offences will comprise failure to pay… Read More »What To Do When Faced With an Arrest Warrant

What Steps are Involved in Applying for Parole

Prisoners in Queensland who are released on parole serve out the remainder of the sentence in the community under a range of conditions. Queensland Corrective Services supervise the observance of these conditions, breach of which may result in the conditions being changed, or parole being suspended or cancelled and the parolee returned to prison. This… Read More »What Steps are Involved in Applying for Parole

What You Need to Know About Recent Changes in Queensland Weapons Licensing

Thankfully Australia doesn’t have the same gun culture like the USA and one reason is that our licensing regimes around the ownership of weapons is stricter in this country. In Queensland, if you want to own and/or use a firearm, a crossbow, a powerhead or a paintball marker, you must be in possession of a… Read More »What You Need to Know About Recent Changes in Queensland Weapons Licensing

What to Do if a Warrant is Issued for My Arrest in Another State of Australia

Australia’s state borders don’t mean that if you commit a crime in one state, you can escape the consequences by fleeing to another state. The phrase, ‘the long arm of the law’, was created for a reason, and in practice, it means that if a warrant for your arrest is issued in a state or… Read More »What to Do if a Warrant is Issued for My Arrest in Another State of Australia

How does Queensland’s ‘No Body, No Parole’ Law Work?

In August 2017 Queensland enacted a ‘No Body, No Parole’ law that means the Parole Board Queensland must not grant parole to a prisoner unless it is satisfied that the prisoner has satisfactorily cooperated in identifying the location of the victim’s body. The Corrective Services (No Body, No Parole) Amendment Act 2017 (Qld), which inserted… Read More »How does Queensland’s ‘No Body, No Parole’ Law Work?

What You Need to Know About the Offence of Receiving/Possessing Tainted Property (Proceeds of Crime)

Many people in Queensland are likely unaware of the detail involved in the offence of ‘receiving/possessing tainted property’ but it’s well worth knowing because it’s a crime that can easily ensnare otherwise innocent people. The essence of the offence is found in section 433 of the Queensland Criminal Code: ‘A person who receives tainted property,… Read More »What You Need to Know About the Offence of Receiving/Possessing Tainted Property (Proceeds of Crime)

How Do Domestic Violence Orders Work?

Between 1 May 2018 and 1 May 2019, 11 people in Queensland died due to domestic violence, while a 2017 report from the Australian Institute of Criminology found that on average, one woman is murdered every week by a current or former partner. For many and varied reasons, domestic violence has become a source of… Read More »How Do Domestic Violence Orders Work?

What You Need to Know About Return-to-Prison Warrants

In Queensland the most common situations where a warrant is issued to return a person to prison occur when that person fails to pay a fine, fails to meet a bail undertaking (such as appearing in court on a certain date), or for breaching their parole conditions. A warrant is a written authority from a… Read More »What You Need to Know About Return-to-Prison Warrants

Which Court Will I Appear in When Charged with Certain Drug Offences

While the jurisdiction of the different courts in Queensland is probably only an interesting topic to lawyers, when it comes to drug offences which court you end up to face the charges can be very important. If your case ends up in the Supreme or District Court of Queensland, it will generally mean that your… Read More »Which Court Will I Appear in When Charged with Certain Drug Offences

What Happens if I Breach a Court Order?

When you come before a court on a criminal matter, there are a range of sentences the court can impose, many of which are designed to avoid the severity of a jail sentence. These non-custodial options include good behaviour bonds, suspended sentences, probation, intensive correction and community service orders. There is also parole, which can… Read More »What Happens if I Breach a Court Order?

Hannay Lawyers Major Sponsor of Tim Tszyu

It’s with great pleasure that Hannay Lawyers have announced their sponsorship of Boxer, Tim Tszyu in his plight to become a World Titleholder. “Hannay Lawyers” is becoming synonymous with supporting young boxers on their way to ring success, having sponsored Jeff Horn to boxing fame and of course, more recently Joel Camilleri.    

When Will No Conviction Be Recorded for Commonwealth Offences?

Australian courts have frequently recognised the impact of recording a conviction for a person found guilty of an offence. In some circumstances it’s acknowledgeded that recording a conviction for the offence is punishment in itself, with accompanying harsh effects on the offender’s employment prospects, ability to travel and other adverse legal consequences. These concerns are… Read More »When Will No Conviction Be Recorded for Commonwealth Offences?

What are the Consequences for a Lawyer Convicted of a Criminal Offence?

A key requirement for a person to be admitted as a practising lawyer is that they are a ‘fit and proper’ person. Lawyers are expected to uphold certain standards of ethical behaviour as a consequence of their unique and important duties to the court, to the law, and to their clients. These standards apply to… Read More »What are the Consequences for a Lawyer Convicted of a Criminal Offence?

White Collar Offences: What Are They?

It was American sociologist and criminologist Edwin Sutherland who coined the term ‘white-collar crime’ in the late 1940s, a neat way to describe crimes committed by an individual or individuals during the course of their occupation or against the business or company they work for. On its face, the term seems to suggest benign, non-serious… Read More »White Collar Offences: What Are They?

Can Police Search My Car?

We all recognise that our police force play an essential role in maintaining law and order in our community. For most people, the police will be the first phone call they make if they believe their personal security or property is breached or threatened. But there are also limits on police powers, necessary to ensure… Read More »Can Police Search My Car?

When Do Mandatory Penalties for Certain Offences Apply in Queensland?

The issue of mandatory penalties is a controversial one in the law. Many judges and legal commentators criticise the inclusion of mandatory penalties in sentencing as restricting the discretion of judges to impose penalties that are proportionate to the crime, and as unfairly impacting disadvantaged members of society. High profile crime issues such as the… Read More »When Do Mandatory Penalties for Certain Offences Apply in Queensland?

What You Need to Know About Licence Disqualifications for Driving Offences in QLD

Disqualifying a driver is one of the harshest penalties a court can impose for certain traffic offences in Queensland. When your driver’s licence is disqualified, it is confiscated and all driving privileges are revoked. Below we’ll detail a number of offences which can result in disqualification of a driver’s licence. Disqualification is the result of… Read More »What You Need to Know About Licence Disqualifications for Driving Offences in QLD

What Powers do Authorities Have to Search Stored Communication Devices in Queensland?

The spread of terrorism throughout the world in recent decades has resulted in a substantial increase in the powers of government authorities to detain and search people passing through international airports. In particular, these powers have been extended to allow bodies such as the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Australian Border Force (ABF) (including Customs… Read More »What Powers do Authorities Have to Search Stored Communication Devices in Queensland?

Police Powers During COVID-19

While the severity of the global COVID-19 pandemic appears to be subsiding in Australia, at least, the changes to how we live and some of our laws are expected to remain for quite some time yet. In Queensland, police have been given additional emergency powers in addition to their usual powers in order to enforce… Read More »Police Powers During COVID-19

What to Know about Schedule 1 Drugs vs Schedule 2 Drugs

It’s no revelation that having anything to do with illegal drugs can lead to severe criminal penalties if you’re caught, but what many people may not realise is that those penalties vary significantly depending on the type of drug. In Queensland, illegal drugs are divided into Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 drugs. This article will… Read More »What to Know about Schedule 1 Drugs vs Schedule 2 Drugs

What You Need to Know About Bail Applications Now

The impact of COVID-19 on Bail Applications in Queensland has been significant. In this podcast, Daniel Hannay gives you a rundown on the current state of play. Read more information on bail applications in Queensland.  

What You Need to Know About Fraudulent Ponzi Schemes and Boiler Room Scams

Sadly, a certainty in modern society is that there are always dishonest people willing to take advantage of those who are either gullible, greedy, or both. Australians lost a record $340 million to various scams in 2017. The best example of this is the increasingly frequent use of fraudulent ‘ponzi’ investment schemes and ‘boiler room’… Read More »What You Need to Know About Fraudulent Ponzi Schemes and Boiler Room Scams

The Effects of COVID-19 on Court Proceedings

All areas of the Australian community have been heavily impacted by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. From school closures to the shutting down of workplaces, shops and even beaches and parks, the efforts to stop the spread of the disease is and will have far-reaching consequences for the way we live. This includes the… Read More »The Effects of COVID-19 on Court Proceedings

How Has Covid-19 Affected Bail Applications in Queensland

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every part of society for the foreseeable future, including how courts treat applications for bail or variation of bail conditions. A number of cases in Queensland, NSW and Victoria have already demonstrated how courts are taking a more lenient view on the granting of bail to help mitigate the effects… Read More »How Has Covid-19 Affected Bail Applications in Queensland

What Surveillance Methods Do Queensland Police Use?

In this podcast, Daniel Hannay discusses what surveillance methods are currently being utilised by Queensland police.

What Does Trafficking Mean in Queensland?

In this podcast, Daniel Hannay discusses what trafficking means in the context of criminal law in Queensland.

Got a COVID-19 Penalty Notice and Want to Dispute It?

In this podcast, Lee Quinn discusses the recent regime of COVID-19 offences recently introduced by the Queensland Government and what you should do if you wish to defend the charge.

Do You Lose Your Drivers Licence for DUI on a Boat?

In this podcast, Lee Quinn discusses the commonly asked question relating to boating offences and their impact on your motor vehicle licence.

Do You Need Legal Representation in Traffic Law Matters?

In this podcast, Hugh Stitt discusses whether or not it is advisable to seek legal representation in traffic law matters.

How To Lodge an Appeal in Criminal Law Matters in Queensland

Not happy with a decision that has been handed down in your criminal law matter? In this podcast, Daniel Hannay, Criminal Lawyer from Hannay Lawyers on what you need to know if you wish to lodge an appeal.

What You Need to Know About the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission

The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) was formed by the Queensland government in 2016 to oversee and enforce standards of integrity in the sports of thoroughbred, greyhound and harness racing, as well as safeguard the welfare of the racing animals involved. Reporting to the Queensland Minister for Racing, the QRIC sets out the standards under… Read More »What You Need to Know About the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission

Despite COVID-19 Queensland Magistrates Courts Are Operating

Magistrates Courts across Queensland are open and hearing cases. This Practice Direction positions the Court to respond to the evolving situation. Arrangements are being put in place to respond to COVID-19 to ensure the spread of the infection is limited as far as possible and to continue to provide Court services to the Queensland community.… Read More »Despite COVID-19 Queensland Magistrates Courts Are Operating

What You Need to Know About Coercive Hearings

In the past couple of decades several government agencies – particularly those formed to fight organised crime – have gained important coercive powers as part of their investigatory role which allow them to compel a person to appear before them to answer questions, often in secret. Many prominent legal experts regard the growth of these… Read More »What You Need to Know About Coercive Hearings

Hannay Lawyers Get Charges Thrown Out for Dodgy Search Warrant

Search warrants often form the evidentiary basis of criminal charges, yet criminal lawyers can often overlook scrutinising those warrants to ensure they were lawful. Hannay Lawyers’ Lee Quinn shows what happens when diligence and experience is applied to the analysis of search warrants.

What to do During a Search Warrant Execution

While most of us have no doubt seen police brandishing search warrants to enter someone’s home in cop shows, it’s doubtful many of us are actually aware of what our rights are in this situation. In Queensland, police are not generally permitted to enter your premises. If they attempt to do so, you are entitled… Read More »What to do During a Search Warrant Execution

Hannay Lawyers Back Another Boxer on Their Way to the Top

The name of leading criminal law practice "Hannay Lawyers" is becoming synonymous with supporting young boxers on their way to ring success. To date, their most notable protégé has been Jeff Horn, the Australian professional boxer who held the WBO welterweight title from 2017 to 2018 who returns to the ring in April against TimRead More »Hannay Lawyers Back Another Boxer on Their Way to the Top

All You Need to Know About Supreme Court Bail Applications

Bail is a very important concept if you’ve been charged with a criminal offence. Understanding how it works can be the difference between staying in police detention until the charges against you are heard and decided, or remaining at liberty until your day in court. If you’re granted bail and remain free until it’s time… Read More »All You Need to Know About Supreme Court Bail Applications

Can I Appeal a Decision Made by a Judicial Member of QCAT?

Perhaps you’re involved in a civil dispute with your neighbour about a dividing fence. Maybe you’re a tenant who has an issue with your landlord. You might feel you’ve been discriminated against in the workplace, or you need to apply for guardianship of an elderly relative. Perhaps you are on the wrong end of a… Read More »Can I Appeal a Decision Made by a Judicial Member of QCAT?

Charged with Grievous Bodily Harm? What You Need to Know

  In Queensland a charge of causing grievous bodily harm (GBH) is a very serious criminal offence. The Queensland Criminal Code defines three types of GBH offence: intentionally causing GBH, unlawfully doing GBH, and dangerous driving causing GBH. While a custodial sentence will often be the result of committing one of the offences above in… Read More »Charged with Grievous Bodily Harm? What You Need to Know

What You Need to Know About ASIC Investigations

While most business owners strive to run their enterprise with minimum distraction from external agencies, the fact is we live in a highly regulated, legalistic society. For businesses, the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) is Australia’s top company regulator and is responsible for investigating company misconduct and enforcing company law. If you run a… Read More »What You Need to Know About ASIC Investigations

What You Need to Know About Drug Charges in Queensland

Though all of Australia takes punishment of drug offences seriously, Queensland has always been well-known as one of the tougher states when it comes to legal penalties for such offences. If you or someone you know has unfortunately found themselves charged or convicted with a drug offence in Queensland, there are some basic things you… Read More »What You Need to Know About Drug Charges in Queensland

What to Do When Charged with a Criminal Offence

Whether it’s your first time or you already have a criminal record, being charged with a criminal offence can be one of the most stressful experiences in a person’s life. An experienced criminal lawyer, however, can alleviate at least some of this burden by lending their knowledge and support to your situation, ensuring that your… Read More »What to Do When Charged with a Criminal Offence

What You Need to Know About Drug Trafficking Charges

Drug trafficking is one of the most serious offences involving dangerous drugs in Queensland, carrying heavy terms of imprisonment. But given there are many different types of drug offences in Queensland legislation, it’s helpful to know at the outset what ‘trafficking’ and ‘dangerous drugs’ actually means. In simplest terms, trafficking means you traded in or… Read More »What You Need to Know About Drug Trafficking Charges

How to Apply for Bail in Queensland

Bail is a feature of our criminal justice system that allows a person to continue living in the community after they’ve been charged with an offence. In precise technical terms, bail is the written undertaking the person charged with the offence signs, promising to appear at court at a date set down on the undertaking,… Read More »How to Apply for Bail in Queensland

Charged with Drug Driving in QLD? What You Need to Know

While everyone is well aware that driving a vehicle after drinking alcohol is illegal unless you have a blood alcohol level of less an 0.05, what’s perhaps less well known is that in Queensland there is ‘zero tolerance’ for driving under the influence of drugs. You can be charged, therefore, if the presence of any… Read More »Charged with Drug Driving in QLD? What You Need to Know

Have you been charged in Australia while on a Visa

Attacker Jailed A man has been jailed for violently attacking a woman with a chair. Source A man has been jailed for violently attacking a woman with a chair. #9News | http://9News.com.au Posted by 9 News Gold Coast on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Farshad regularly deals with and is involved in a number of matters, includingRead More »Have you been charged in Australia while on a Visa

School Yard Bullying Results in Assault Charge

Assault Charges can Attract Jail Time Farshad Sarabi | Solicitor appears on 9 News Gold Coast with a client who was charged with an Assault Charge. For these types of offences, you need to seek legal advice urgently. Source A teenager who stabbed a father with a beer bottle at Helensvale has smugly walked from courtRead More »School Yard Bullying Results in Assault Charge

Domestic Violence Charges Video

Domestic Violence Charges Video

Sexual Offence Charges

Sexual Offence Charges

Break & Enter/Burglary Charges? Video

Break & Enter/Burglary Charges? Video

Fraud/Dishonesty Charges?

Fraud/Dishonesty Charges?

Drug Charges Video

Drug Charges Video

What To Expect If You Are Pulled Over By the Police this Christmas

There are a number of myths associated with breath testing and it’s important to understand – not only your rights – but also your obligations. Here are a few of the common breath and drug testing myths: Myth #1 – You Won’t Be Stopped Unless You Do Something Wrong The police can pull over anyone… Read More »What To Expect If You Are Pulled Over By the Police this Christmas

A Police Search of Your Property – What You Need to Know

The police do not have limitless rights when it comes to searching people or their property. Laws are in place to protect everyone – including you – from law enforcement officials overstepping their bounds. The following will give you the basics of your rights when it comes to a police search of your property. The… Read More »A Police Search of Your Property – What You Need to Know

What to Expect When You Go to Court

Going to court involves a lot of rules. While many of them may appear archaic or pointless, they should be taken seriously. There are certain protocols that all members of the public must adhere to, as there are consequences in failing to do so that may include fines or incarceration. The following is a basic… Read More »What to Expect When You Go to Court

Have You Been Falsely Accused of a Crime?

Having false accusations levelled against you can be incredibly traumatic. Besides the psychological implications – which have been said to include high levels of anxiety, depression and sometimes post traumatic stress – there are the legal aspects to consider. How you handle the allegations will go a long way to setting things right. Here are… Read More »Have You Been Falsely Accused of a Crime?

Drug Driving: Could YOU Be Caught Out 

The number of drivers being charged with drug driving is on the rise. Queensland Police have carried out a number of ‘blitzes’ and advertising campaigns designed to educate the driving public. Most people are now aware that roadside saliva tests can be carried out by police in the same way as an alcohol breath test.… Read More »Drug Driving: Could YOU Be Caught Out 

Possessing Dangerous Drugs – What You Need to Know 

Possessing Dangerous Drugs – What You Need to Know Drug possession laws have been designed, over time, to remove any potential loopholes. They are intentionally broad and include a significant amount of leeway, allowing law enforcement officials to make assumptions when building a case against you.  Of course, the following article is generic advice only… Read More »Possessing Dangerous Drugs – What You Need to Know 

Your Rights When Charged Under Criminal Law

If you’ve been charged under criminal law, you will be introduced to a process that can feel overwhelming. The purpose of this article is to help you understand your rights and to offer some generalistic tips. Importantly, if you are charged with a crime then your first step should be to get legal advice; an… Read More »Your Rights When Charged Under Criminal Law

Corporate Crime and Fraud – What You Need to Know

Corporate crimes and fraud fall within the remit of a number of law enforcement and government agencies. State and Federal Police, ASIC, the ATO and the ACCC may get involved, depending on the nature of the accusation. While most cases of white-collar crime that reach the public consciousness have to do with embezzlement or tax… Read More »Corporate Crime and Fraud – What You Need to Know

Will Any Lawyer Do?

Whether you are hiring a Brisbane or Gold Coast criminal lawyers, family lawyer or a corporate lawyer, it’s sometimes hard to compare apples with apples. After all, every lawyer you find will be suitably qualified, come with some experience and will have the ability to talk to you about your case. They will tell you… Read More »Will Any Lawyer Do?

Finding the Best Criminal Lawyer for You

When it comes to hiring a criminal lawyer, there is no shortage of options. A quick search on Google will yield hundreds of results in your local area, and many more nationally, all claiming to be the very best criminal lawyers in the country. So how do you select the right criminal lawyer for you?… Read More »Finding the Best Criminal Lawyer for You

Do I Need a Lawyer?

If you’ve been in a legal scrape and you’ve probably asked yourself this question. After all, lawyers cost money and if you can do it yourself, why wouldn’t you? Here are some examples of when you should contact your lawyer. When You Are Not Sure What Action to Take Perhaps you’ve been charged with a… Read More »Do I Need a Lawyer?

How to Hire a Family Lawyer

Family disputes can be incredibly strenuous, and cost far more than money. Memories, relationships and emotions can all fall victim when families are torn apart and choosing the right family lawyer is an important decision for multiple reasons. Firstly, it’s important you find a lawyer that you can talk to openly. Because this is your… Read More »How to Hire a Family Lawyer

Your Rights When Charged with a Drug Offence

If you’ve been charged with a drug offence it’s important to understand your rights and obligations. As always, remember that the following points are generic and haven’t taken your situation into account. To talk in more detail, phone us on (07) 3063 9799 or email us here. Don’t Say Anything Without a Lawyer Queensland and… Read More »Your Rights When Charged with a Drug Offence

Hiring a Criminal Lawyer and What to Look For

Hiring the right Brisbane and Gold Coast criminal lawyers for a criminal case can be the difference between achieving a satisfactory outcome, and a result that can tear your life apart. Just because you know someone and trust them, doesn’t mean they are qualified to handle your specific matter. Likewise, you don’t want to work… Read More »Hiring a Criminal Lawyer and What to Look For

Drug Charges and What You Need to Know

Drug laws in Australia are both strict and complicated. Numerous legislative changes have meant that it is difficult to write a set of specific guidelines without an understanding of individual circumstances. Therefore, we believe the most important recommendation you can receive is to seek qualified legal advice. Having said that, here are some points you… Read More »Drug Charges and What You Need to Know

Resolving Family Legal Disputes

Family disputes can be emotionally draining and impact on, not only your life but also those of your extended family. It’s important to realise that entering a formal legal process with your family should be considered a fall-back position rather than a primary option, but it is available to you if all avenues have failed.… Read More »Resolving Family Legal Disputes

Need a Lawyer for Drink/Drug Driving Charges?

Please do not read this article as legal advice. It has been written to offer argument and generalised information. If you would like to speak to someone about your drink driving charges, please contact our Gold Coast criminal lawyers. One of the questions we are most commonly asked is whether a lawyer is a necessity… Read More »Need a Lawyer for Drink/Drug Driving Charges?

Former Fink Escapes Jail Term

A FORMER Finks bikie who assaulted and extorted the owners of a Gold Coast sex shop has been handed a 12-month suspended sentence more than a decade later. Richard Michail, also known as Richard Savage, turned up at the Mermaid Beach sex shop in July 2004 after the owners attempted to back out of a… Read More »Former Fink Escapes Jail Term

Charges Dismissed for Brayden Mechen

ALMOST a year after Brayden Mechen was allegedly punched in the face by a police officer while handcuffed he still struggles to talk about the “worst experience” of his life. The softly spoken Upper Coomera man was out with mates in Surfers Paradise on September 28 last year when his first ever run-in with police… Read More »Charges Dismissed for Brayden Mechen

Charges withdrawn due to insufficient evidence

A Mormon accused of stomping on the head of a stranger who had just been king hit has walked free after there was insufficient evidence to commit him to trial. Barrister Angus Edwards, instructed by Hannay Lawyers, pointed to inconsistencies between witness statements. Magistrate John Costanzo said the CCTV footage was “poor to say the… Read More »Charges withdrawn due to insufficient evidence

Greyhound Trainer to Fight Charges

Daniel Hannay said the 68-year-old intended to challenge the charges. They followed last month’s ABC Four Corners expose on the use of live animal bait in greyhound training, which caused outrage and rocked the industry nationwide. ‘We are fundamentally denying the allegations that he is facing,’ Mr Hannay said. Noble had previously spoken candidly about… Read More »Greyhound Trainer to Fight Charges